

PDF Resumes Data Entry to Excel Sheet

Post By admin

Project Title: PDF Resumes Data Entry to Excel Sheet

Project Description:
We are a big recruitment company based in USA that provides a platform for job seekers and employers to come in touch with each other and fulfill their purpose.

The main objective of our project is to enter resume data in PDF file format into excel sheet with all the details captured accurately.

We mainly emphasize on contact details and qualification criteria as they are essential for future recruitment.

The aim is to collect and enter data from resumes in PDF files such as:
– Bio-Data
– Contact Details
– Address
– Education
– Qualifications
– Experiences of Candidates
– Age
– Gender
– Reference Details

Also the data needs to be validated to avoid false or wrong data entered into the database.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago John Brudenell

    We have about 700 resumes as printed copies and want to get them on excel. What is your cost?


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