

Phone Directory Conversion from PDF to Excel

Post By admin

Project Title: Phone Directory Conversion from PDF to Excel

Project Description:
I have large size phone directories in PDF format. Where, every time I try to convert it into excel; some data come in proper format and some do not.

I have USA phone directory and I want to convert it into Excel but want separate file State by State and separate tables city by city in each file. So it is easy to find any record.

Following data I need in Excel File:
– Phone Number Owner Name
– Phone Number
– Phone Type
– Address
– City
– State

It can be done manually page by page but I have not much time for it. I need your help to complete it.

You can do it manually or through any software but please keep data in accurate format.

There are thousands of data in each PDF file. It is categorized by state and city.

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