

Data Entry of Real Estate Agents to Google Sheets

Post By admin

Project Title: Data Entry of Real Estate Agents to Google Sheets

Project Description:
Hi There,

We are looking to enter real estate agents from the Brisbane area into a database using Google Drive Sheets.

The headings required are:
– Last Name
– First Name
– Mobile Number
– Email Address
– Suburb they work in
– Office they are employed by

We are also looking to have them sorted by: North Brisbane, South Brisbane, East Brisbane and West Brisbane.

The agents contact details can be found on their websites (google real estate agents and then the suburb). Or alternatively using the following website and searching for the suburb:

Please analyze my requirements and offer me the most affordable cost.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago Dave Martin

    What is the rate to manually enter the data of about 700 realtors from website to the excel?


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