Data Entry & Manipulation

Project Title: Data Entry & Manipulation
Project Description:
The job is to manipulate data within a series of spreadsheets to bring it into a consistent format.
We will provide you an input of 12 PDF scans of confidential sales and leasing reports. Approximately 126 pages of data.
Also, we will send you an excel template, demonstrating the 20 columns of data and the data format required. (Not all columns from the original documents will require manipulation or entry.)
As output you will save a ‘clean’ version of the excel template for each individual PDF.
Where the data is clean, you will copy and paste from the input excel files into the relevant columns on your ‘clean’ file. And, where the data requires manipulation, you will manipulate the data into a clean state and then move it into your ‘clean’ file.
When an individual PDF report is completely transcribed into the excel, you will perform an audit to ensure 100% fidelity to the original PDF.
Then, you will then transfer the file back to me. I will also perform an audit of the data and if data is clean, the job is considered done!
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Will you be able to convert 3000 PDF pages to word editable format?
If so, what is your cost? How long will it take for you to complete this task?
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