Copy and Paste Data to Email Draft

Project Title: Copy and Paste Data to Email Draft
Project Description:
The job is actually very easy it’s a cut and paste. However, it’s a little difficult to describe (but here it goes).
1. I have a lead generation email that has been very effective in terms of response.
2. I have been utilizing a **website** that has the name of the CEO along with their email address (most of the emails are wrong but enough are correct to make this effort worthwhile).
3. I need someone to go to the **website** and copy the company name, CEO name and CEO email address.
4. Then go into my email system (I will give you access) then cut/paste the company name into the subject line, cut/paste the CEO name into the body of the email, then cut/paste the email into the email to line and save as draft.
There may be an easier way to do this if so please let me know and we can negotiate a fee.
However, I do not want to utilize 3rd pay email Providers because this will damage the authentic nature of the email.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Can you help us copy data from one website to another site? We need data to be copied precisely with utmost attention.
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