

Auto Repair Shop Details Data Entry

Post By admin

Project Title: Auto Repair Shop Details Data Entry

Project Description:
I am looking to build a list of auto repair shop details with address. You have to directly add that detail in live website. I want to enter that data with location so people can get help from website.

So I am looking for a person who can complete this task as soon as possible.

Following Details must be entered in each record:
– Shop Name
– Open/ Close Time
– Address
– City
– Latitude/ Longitude
– Contact Details
– Email

Can you provide complete list? How much time you require? What are your charges for this kind of services? I will provide you credentials.

Would you be able to share past sample of your similar work to review? It would be great if you also send me the approx quote for the project.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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